In-app Purchase Programming Guide

38 mins read

In-app Purchase Programming Guide

By selling items from within your application, you can get a large revenue. You can implement In-Application Purchases (IAP) in your application using the AppControl mechanism for Tizen native and Web applications.

You can use the IAP in the following scenarios, for example:

  • An application that enables additional features
  • Any application that allows the user to remove ads
  • An audio-book application that allows the user to purchase and download new books
  • A game which offers new levels to play
  • An RPG game that allows to buy virtual items

What is the In-App Purchase AppControl Mechanism?

To sell items inside your applications such as in-game coins, levels and others, you need to set servers up to communicate with billing server and user authentications server, and many other infra servers. In-App Purchase simply handles all those things for you. To use In-App Purchase, you need to prepare your applications for communicating with it. For example, with in-app purchase of items, your application finds the proper AppControl, starts the purchase method, and receives the result of the purchase in the method of the listener method. IAP shows dialogs in case of errors, communicates with the Tizen Stores server, and invokes the listener methods to return the result of the request.

This document explains the process of using the IAP. Read this document thoroughly before using the IAP.

Supported Item Types

IAP supports the following item types:

Table: Supported item types

Table Description
Consumable If you purchase an item of this type and use it, it is consumed. These items can be repurchased.
Example: Consumable items, such as bullets in games.
Non-consumable Once purchased, you can use an item of this type permanently. These items cannot be repurchased.
Example: Non-consumable items, including books, that do not need to be repurchased.

Terms and Abbreviations

The following table lists the terminology used in the context of IAP.

Table: Terms and abbreviations

Term Description
IAP In-App Purchase
MCC This code (3 digits) identifies the mobile country code.
MNC This code (characters or digits) identifies the carrier in the current country.
AppControl A standard mechanism in Tizen for using specific operations exported by other applications.
Operation ID Defines the behavior of the AppControl.
Application ID Used to identify each application control supplier.
Item Group ID Collection of items identified by a single ID (item list).
Item A single piece of content.

Applying IAP to Your Application

Applying IAP to your application is easy. The process contains the following steps:

  1. Register your items to the Tizen Store Seller Office.
  2. Program your application to work with IAP.
  3. Test and upload your application.

The following sections describe the process in more detail.

1. Registering Your Items to Tizen Store Seller Office

Before you set up and program your application for IAP, you need to register your item group and items to the Tizen Store Seller Office.

An item group is a collection of items connected to your application in the Tizen Store Seller Office. For example, if there are 10 kinds of special items you need for your game, you need to create 1 item group for your game and 10 individual items. Registering the items is really simple.

1.1. Connect to Tizen Store Seller Office

Log in to the Tizen Store Seller Office. If you do not have an account for the Tizen Store Seller Office, create a new account. After you have logged in to the Tizen Store, register as a private seller if you want to sell applications under your personal name, or as a corporate seller if you want to sell applications under your company name.

1.2. Register a New Item Group

The following steps explain how to register a new item group on Seller Office:

  1. Click Applications > Item to navigate to the selected menu option.
  2. Click Add Item Group.
  3. Fill in the fields for the Item Group Title and Description, and click OK to register your item group.
  4. When the item group is registered, you can click Edit to modify its information.
  5. Select a checkbox and click Delete to delete an item group. When you delete an item group, all items included in that group are also deleted.
  6. You can copy registered item groups from the item group list. When you copy an item group, all items included in that group are also copied.

An item group can be modified, deleted, or copied when the application has the temporary status.

1.3. Add a New Item (Temporary Status)

From the item list, select the name of a registered item group to navigate to its information page. After an item group is created, a list of temporary tabs appears on the information screen when you first access it.

  • Click Add Item on the temporary tab on the view page to enter basic information, such as title, price, and description. Click OK to add items. For more information on price setting, see the Application Registration Guide.
  • You can batch register items by clicking Item Bulk Upload to upload an Excel file.

When the item has been added, you can click its title in the item list to view the added content.

1.3.1. Edit an Item (Temporary Status)

You can add, modify, or delete an item if there is an application listed in the item group, or if registered or revised applications in the item group are listed under Pre-Certification.

  • To view and edit the item title, price, description, and image, click the title of the item on the temporary tab list in the View popup window.
  • If all the applications containing the item are listed under Pre-Certification, select the checkbox and click Delete to delete the item from all of them. However, if the statuses of items mapped for applications are for sale, it cannot be deleted.
  • All changes are applied when all the mapped applications are validated. The On Standby button is displayed until validation is complete.

1.3.2. Item Sales (Sales Status)

To register the item with the sales status:

  1. Items are registered and modified and you can view them in sales.
  2. If all the mapped applications that are being registered or revised in the item group are listed under Pre-Certification, click the Modify Item(s) button to create a temporary tab that allows you to modify the applications.

2. Setting Your Application Project up to Use IAP

IAP uses an AppControl mechanism, and as such requires no updates to the application project. Working with IAP means simply getting the proper AppControl.

For more information, see the Application Controls guide (in native and Web applications) and AppControl API (in native and Web applications).

3. Programming Your Application to Work with IAP

Programming with IAP is very similar to programming with the Tizen native API and other AppControls supported in the system. Before you implement your code you must edit the configuration file (tizen-manifest.xml in native applications or config.xml in Web applications) first.

Section 3.1. explains more about the configuration file.

Note that the IAP allows 2 modes of operation (key name "_mode"):

  • Normal mode or commercial mode: To be used with the finished application that is released on the market. Proper data is obtained and returned from the IAP server.
  • Developer mode: This can be used while development of the application for testing purpose. Payment always succeeds.

The following table describes the interfaces list.

Table: Interfaces list

Application ID Operation ID Description
org.tizen.inapppurchase.iapclient The operation purchases the item.

During this step a purchase screen is displayed, and the user needs to provide details (e-mail, password) to make a purchase.

The output value indicates the result of purchase (success or failure), and is used to verify the purchase.

org.tizen.inapppurchase.iapservice The operation returns a list of items available for purchase.

The output data values are used to send a list of items available for purchase. The operation returns a list of already purchased items. The operation returns a list of countries' MCC and MNC codes to be used in developer mode during testing in-app purchases.

Purchasing Items

The following steps describe the process of item purchase:

  1. Get the item list.

    Use the org.tizen.inapppurchase.iapservice application ID to retrieve a list items from the Tizen Store IAP server for a given group ID:

    Item list

  2. Display a list of items in your In-App Purchase application.

  3. Purchase the item.

    Use the org.tizen.inapppurchase.iapclient application ID to make a purchase of a particular item:

    Purchase item

Getting a List of Countries

In developer mode, you are able to test In-App Purchase with different country servers. To get a list of available servers, you can use the operation.

Figure: Country list

Country list

3.1. Adding Permissions to the Configuration File

IAP uses AppControl interface to handle purchases. You need to add the privilege to your application’s configuration file:

  • In native applications:

    The following example shows the tizen-manifest.xml file which contains the required permissions:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
    <manifest xmlns="" package="org.tizen.iapsample" version="1.0.0">
  • In Web applications:

    The following example shows the config.xml file which contains the required permissions:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <widget xmlns="" xmlns:tizen="" id=...>
       <tizen:privilege name = ""/>

3.2. IAP Service Control (Get Item List, Purchased Item List, Country List)

The IAP Service instance allows you to get a list of items available for purchase and to get a list of already purchased item. It also allows you to get a list of countries available for testing in developer mode.

  • Application ID

    This application control can be accessed using an aliased application ID of the org.tizen.inapppurchase.iapservice application ID.

  • Operation ID

    This application supports the and operations. It also supports the operation.

  • Get item list operation

    This operation returns a list of items available for purchase.

  • Input data

    The following table shows the key-value pairs required in the input extra data for the operation.

Table: Input data for getting a list of items

Key Value Description
_mode 0 or 1

Mode type:

  • 0: Normal (commercial) mode

    This mode needs to be used in an application submitted to the Tizen Store.

  • 1: Developer mode

    This mode can be used for testing purposes while developing the application. Payment always succeeds.

The default value is 0.

This information is optional.

_transactionId Transaction ID

Transaction ID, such as 1 or 2.

The ID is used to track a transaction between requests.

This information is mandatory.

_startNumber Start number

Index of the first item in the list.

Start downloading items from this index number.

This information is mandatory.

_endNumber End number

Index of the last item in the list.

Stop downloading items after this index number.

This information is mandatory.

_itemGroupId Group ID

Group ID, such as 100000001455.

A group ID is associated with a specific collection of items in Tizen Store Seller Office. You need to register your group ID in Tizen Store Seller Office first.

This information is mandatory.

_languageCd Language code

Language code, such as eng or rus.

The language code conforms to ISO 639-2, which uses 3-character codes.

The language code is associated with the display language of the item details in Tizen Store Seller Office.

The output parameters (itemName, itemDescription, reserved1, reserved2) are changed according to the language code.

This information is optional.

_itemTypeCd 00, 01, 02, or 10

Item type code:

  • 00: Non-consumable

  • 01: Consumable

  • 10: All

This information is optional.




Mobile country code (MCC)

Mobile country code, such as 250.

MMCs can only be used in developer mode. You can retrieve a list of available MCCs using the get country list operation.

This information is optional.

(18th Oct. by Tizen Store Dev. - deprecated parameter)



Mobile network code (MNC)

Mobile network code, such as 01.

MNCs can only be used in developer mode.

This information is optional.

(18th Oct. by Tizen Store Dev. - deprecated parameter)

  • Example code for get item list
    app_control_h app_control;
    int rt = app_control_create(&app_control);
    if (rt == APP_CONTROL_ERROR_NONE) {
        app_control_set_app_id(app_control, " org.tizen.inapppurchase.iapservice");
        app_control_set_operation(app_control, "");
        app_control_add_extra_data(app_control, "_mode", "0");
        app_control_add_extra_data(app_control, "_transactionId", "123");
        app_control_add_extra_data(app_control, "_startNumber", "1");
        app_control_add_extra_data(app_control, "_endNumber", "10");
        app_control_add_extra_data(app_control, "_itemGroupId", "100000000012");
        app_control_add_extra_data(app_control, "_languageCd", "ENG");
        app_control_add_extra_data(app_control, "_itemTypeCd", "00");
        rt = app_control_send_launch_request(app_control, get_item_list_cb, NULL);
    if (app_control != NULL)
  • Output Data

    The results of the operation are returned in the app control callback.

    The following table shows the output data for the operation.

    Table: Output data for getting a list of items

    Key Value Description
    _method OnItemInformationListReceived Method to be called as a purchase request result.
    _result Result code Result codes are described at the end of this section.
    _resultDescription Result code/Function ID Result code/Function ID when _result value is not 0 (success). Result codes are described at the end of this section.
    _transactionId Transaction ID This is the same ID as the transaction ID that is used in the request.
    _startNumber Start number Index of the first item in the list.
    _endNumber End number Index of the last item in the list.
    _totalCount Total items count Total number of items based on the start number and end number.
    _itemTotalCount Total registered items count Total number of registered items in the group ID.

    There is also a _totalCount number of items in the output data. Each key consists of a PREFIX (list item index value) and a key (such as 12_itemId).

    Table: Item keys in the output data

    Key Value Description
    PREFIX_itemId Item ID This is the same number as an item ID that is used in the request.
    PREFIX_itemGroupId Item group ID ID of a collection of items. The collection is linked to your application in Tizen Store Seller Office.
    PREFIX_itemName Item name Name provided during item registration in Tizen Store Seller Office.
    PREFIX_currencyUnit Currency unit Device user's currency unit, such as $, Won, or Pound.
    PREFIX_unitPrecedes 0 or 1

    Currency unit position:

    • 0: Tail (2.99 TL)
    • 1: Front ($ 2.99)
    PREFIX_hasPenny 0 or 1

    Information whether the currency unit has penny representation:

    • 0: No
    • 1: Yes
    PREFIX_itemPrice Item price Price of the item in the local currency.
    PREFIX_itemDownloadUrl Item download URL URL provided during item registration in Tizen Store Seller Office.
    PREFIX_itemImageUrl Item image URL URL provided during item registration in Tizen Store Seller Office.
    PREFIX_itemDescription Item description A description provided during item registration.
    PREFIX_reserved1 Reserved field 1 Reserved field 1
    PREFIX_reserved2 Reserved field 2 Reserved field 2
    PREFIX_itemTypeCd 00, 01, or 02

    Item type code:

    • 00: Non-consumable
    • 01: Consumable
    • 02: Subscription (non-renewing - to be developed)
    PREFIX_itemSubsBillDurationCd 00, 01, 02, or 03 To be developed (reserved field)
    PREFIX_subscriptionDurationMultiplier Subscription duration multiplier To be developed (reserved field)
    PREFIX_timeStamp Time stamp

    Based on GMT +0, server time.


  • Example code for retrieving a list of items

    get_item_list_cb(app_control_h request, app_control_h reply, app_control_result_e result, void *user_data)
        char* rt_method = NULL;
        char* rt_result = NULL;
        char* rt_resultDescription = NULL;
        char* rt_transactionId = NULL;
        char* rt_startNumber = NULL;
        char* rt_endNumber = NULL;
        char* rt_totalCount = NULL;
        char* rt_itemTotalCount = NULL;
        char* rt_itemId = NULL;
        char* rt_itemGroupId = NULL;
        char* rt_itemName = NULL;
        char* rt_currencyUnit = NULL;
        char* rt_unitPrecedes = NULL;
        char* rt_hasPenny = NULL;
        char* rt_itemPrice = NULL;
        char* rt_itemDownloadUrl = NULL;
        char* rt_itemImageUrl = NULL;
        char* rt_itemDescription = NULL;
        char* rt_reserved1 = NULL;
        char* rt_reserved2 = NULL;
        char* rt_itemTypeCd = NULL;
        char* rt_itemSubsBillDurationCd = NULL;
        char* rt_subscriptionDurationMultiplier = NULL;
        char* rt_timeStamp = NULL;
        if (result == APP_CONTROL_RESULT_SUCCEEDED) {
            rt = app_control_get_extra_data(reply, "_method", &rt_method);
            rt = app_control_get_extra_data(reply, "_result", &rt_result);
            /* Success */
            if (!strcmp("0", rt_result)) {
                rt = app_control_get_extra_data(reply, "_resultDescription", &rt_resultDescription);
                rt = app_control_get_extra_data(reply, "_transactionId", &rt_transactionId);
                rt = app_control_get_extra_data(reply, "_startNumber", &rt_startNumber);
                rt = app_control_get_extra_data(reply, "_endNumber", &rt_endNumber);
                rt = app_control_get_extra_data(reply, "_totalCount", &rt_totalCount);
                rt = app_control_get_extra_data(reply, "_itemTotalCount", &rt_itemTotalCount);
                int start = atoi(rt_startNumber);
                int end = atoi(rt_endNumber);
                char keyId[100] = {0,};
                for (; start <= end; start++) {
                    snprintf(key_id, sizeof(keyId), "%d%s", start, "_itemId");
                    rt = app_control_get_extra_data(reply, key_id, &rt_itemId);
                    snprintf(key_id, sizeof(keyId), "%d%s", start, "_itemGroupId);");
                    rt = app_control_get_extra_data(reply, key_id, &rt_itemGroupId);
                    snprintf(key_id, sizeof(keyId), "%d%s", start, "_itemName");
                    rt = app_control_get_extra_data(reply, keyId, &rt_itemName);
                    snprintf(key_id, sizeof(keyId), "%d%s", start, "_currencyUnit");
                    rt = app_control_get_extra_data(reply, keyId, &rt_currencyUnit);
                    snprintf(key_id, sizeof(keyId), "%d%s", start, "_unitPrecedes");
                    rt = app_control_get_extra_data(reply, keyId, &rt_unitPrecedes);
                    snprintf(key_id, sizeof(keyId), "%d%s", start, "_hasPenny");
                    rt = app_control_get_extra_data(reply, keyId, &rt_hasPenny);
                    snprintf(key_id, sizeof(keyId), "%d%s", start, "_itemPrice");
                    rt = app_control_get_extra_data(reply, keyId, &rt_itemPrice);
                    snprintf(key_id, sizeof(keyId), "%d%s", start, "_itemDownloadUrl");
                    rt = app_control_get_extra_data(reply, keyId, &rt_itemDownloadUrl);
                    snprintf(key_id, sizeof(keyId), "%d%s", start, "_itemImageUrl");
                    rt = app_control_get_extra_data(reply, keyId, &rt_itemImageUrl);
                    snprintf(key_id, sizeof(keyId), "%d%s", start, "_itemDescription");
                    rt = app_control_get_extra_data(reply, keyId, &rt_itemDescription);
                    snprintf(key_id, sizeof(keyId), "%d%s", start, "_reserved1");
                    rt = app_control_get_extra_data(reply, keyId, &rt_reserved1);
                    snprintf(key_id, sizeof(keyId), "%d%s", start, "_reserved2");
                    rt = app_control_get_extra_data(reply, keyId, &rt_reserved2);
                    snprintf(key_id, sizeof(keyId), "%d%s", start, "_itemTypeCd");
                    rt = app_control_get_extra_data(reply, keyId, &rt_itemTypeCd);
                    snprintf(key_id, sizeof(keyId), "%d%s", start, "_itemSubsBillDurationCd");
                    rt = app_control_get_extra_data(reply, keyId, &rt_itemSubsBillDurationCd);
                    snprintf(key_id, sizeof(keyId), "%d%s", start, "_subscriptionDurationMultiplier");
                    rt = app_control_get_extra_data(reply, keyId, &rt_subscriptionDurationMultiplier);
                    snprintf(key_id, sizeof(keyId), "%d%s", start, "_timeStamp");
                    rt = app_control_get_extra_data(reply, keyId, &rt_timeStamp);
  • GetPurchasedItemList operation

    This operation returns a list of already purchased items.

  • Input data

    The following table shows the key and value pairs required in the input extra data for the operation.

    Table: Input data for getting a list of purchased items

    Key Value Description
    _mode 0 or 1

    Mode type:

    • 0: Normal (commercial) mode

      This mode needs to be used in an application submitted to the Tizen Store.

    • 1: Developer mode

      This mode can be used for testing purposes while developing the application. Payment always succeeds.

    The default value is 0.

    This information is optional.

    _transactionId Transaction ID

    Transaction ID, such as 1 or 2.

    The ID is used to track a transaction between requests.

    This information is mandatory.

    _startNumber Start number

    Index of the first item in the list.

    Start downloading items from this index number.

    This information is mandatory.

    _endNumber End number

    Index of the last item in the list.

    Stop downloading items after this index number.

    This information is mandatory.

    _startDate Start date

    The start date of the requested inbox list, such as 20131031.

    This information is optional.

    _endDate End date

    The end date of the requested inbox list, such as 20131031.

    This information is optional.

    _itemGroupId Group ID

    Group ID, such as 100000002501.

    A group ID is associated with a specific collection of items in Tizen Store Seller Office. You need to register your group ID in Tizen Store Seller Office first.

    This information is mandatory.

    _languageCd Language code

    Language code, such as eng or rus.

    The language code conforms to ISO 639-2, which uses 3-character codes.

    The language code is associated with the display language of the item details in Tizen Store Seller Office.

    The output parameters (itemName, itemDescription, reserved1, reserved2) are changed according to the language code.

    This information is optional.



    Mobile country code (MCC)

    Mobile country code, such as 250.

    MMCs can only be used in developer mode. You can retrieve a list of available MCCs using the get country list operation.

    This information is optional.

    (18th Oct. by Tizen Store Dev. - deprecated parameter)



    Mobile network code (MNC)

    Mobile network code, such as 01.

    MNCs can only be used in developer mode.

    This information is optional.

    (18th Oct. by Tizen Store Dev. - deprecated parameter)

  • Example code for retrieving a list of purchased items
    app_control_h app_control;
    int rt = app_control_create(&app_control);
    if (rt == APP_CONTROL_ERROR_NONE) {
        app_control_set_app_id(app_control, " org.tizen.inapppurchase.iapservice");
        app_control_set_operation(app_control, "");
        app_control_add_extra_data(app_control, "_mode", "0");
        app_control_add_extra_data(app_control, "_transactionId", "123");
        app_control_add_extra_data(app_control, "_startNumber", "1");
        app_control_add_extra_data(app_control, "_endNumber", "10");
        app_control_add_extra_data(app_control, "_startDate", "20140101");
        app_control_add_extra_data(app_control, "_endDate", "20141231");
        app_control_add_extra_data(app_control, "_itemGroupId", "100000000012");
        app_control_add_extra_data(app_control, "_languageCd", "ENG");
        rt = app_control_send_launch_request(app_control, get_purchased_item_list_cb, NULL);
    if (app_control != NULL)
  • Output Data

    The results of the operation are returned in the app control callback.

    The following table shows the output data for the operation.

    Table: Output data for getting a list of purchased items

    Key Value Description
    _method OnPurchasedItem or InformationListReceived Method to be called as a purchase request result.
    _result Result code Result codes are described at the end of this section.
    _resultDescription Result code/Function ID Result code/Function ID when _result value is not 0 (success). Result codes are described at the end of this section.
    _transactionId Transaction ID This is the same ID as the transaction ID that is used in the request.
    _startNumber Start number Index of the first item in the list.
    _endNumber End number Index of the last item in the list.
    _totalCount Total items count Total number of items based on the start number and end number.
    _itemTotalCount Total purchased items count Total number of purchased items in the group ID.

    There is also a _totalCount number of items in the output data. Each key consists of a PREFIX (list item index value) and a key (such as 12_itemId).

    Table: Item keys in the output data

    Key Value Description
    PREFIX_itemId Item ID This is the same number as an Item ID that is used in the request.
    PREFIX_itemGroupId Item group ID ID of a collection of items. The collection is linked to your application in Tizen Store Seller Office.
    PREFIX_itemName Item name Name provided during item registration in Tizen Store Seller Office.
    PREFIX_currencyUnit Currency unit Device user's currency unit, such as $, Won, or Pound.
    PREFIX_unitPrecedes 0 or 1 Currency unit position:
    • 0: Tail (2.99 TL)
    • 1: Front ($ 2.99)
    PREFIX_hasPenny 0 or 1 Information whether the currency unit has penny representation:
    • 0: No
    • 1: Yes
    PREFIX_itemPrice Item price Price of the item in the local currency.
    PREFIX_itemDownloadUrl Item download URL URL provided during item registration in Tizen Store Seller Office.
    PREFIX_itemImageUrl Item image URL URL provided during item registration in Tizen Store Seller Office.
    PREFIX_itemDescription Item description A description provided during item registration.
    PREFIX_reserved1 Reserved field 1 Reserved field 1
    PREFIX_reserved2 Reserved field 2 Reserved field 2
    PREFIX_paymentId Payment ID Payment ID
    PREFIX_purchaseDate Date of purchase Date of purchase
    PREFIX_itemTypeCd 00, 01, or 02 Item type code:
    • 00: Non-consumable
    • 01: Consumable
    • 02: Subscription (non-renewing)
    PREFIX_itemSubsBillDurationCd 00, 01, 02, or 03 Item subs bill duration code:
    • 00: Year
    • 01: Month
    • 02: Week
    • 03: Day

    The _itemTypeCd value is 02.

    If the product type is subscription, the available 4 units for the validity period of the product are YEAR, MONTH, WEEK, and DAY. The units must be typed in capitals.

    PREFIX_subscriptionDurationMultiplier Subscription duration multiplier If the _itemTypeCd is subscription (02), this is the item duration. Combined with PREFIX_itemSubsBillDurationCd, it means 1 month.
    PREFIX_timeStamp Time stamp Based on GMT +0, server time.


  • Example code for retrieving a list of purchased items

    get_purchased_item_list_cb(app_control_h request, app_control_h reply, app_control_result_e result, void *user_data)
        char* rt_method = NULL;
        char* rt_result = NULL;
        char* rt_resultDescription = NULL;
        char* rt_transactionId = NULL;
        char* rt_startNumber = NULL;
        char* rt_endNumber = NULL;
        char* rt_totalCount = NULL;
        char* rt_itemTotalCount = NULL;
        char* rt_itemId = NULL;
        char* rt_itemGroupId = NULL;
        char* rt_itemName = NULL;
        char* rt_currencyUnit = NULL;
        char* rt_unitPrecedes = NULL;
        char* rt_hasPenny = NULL;
        char* rt_itemPrice = NULL;
        char* rt_itemDownloadUrl = NULL;
        char* rt_itemImageUrl = NULL;
        char* rt_itemDescription = NULL;
        char* rt_reserved1 = NULL;
        char* rt_reserved2 = NULL;
        char* rt_paymentId = NULL;
        char* rt_purchaseDate = NULL;
        char* rt_itemTypeCd = NULL;
        char* rt_itemSubsBillDurationCd = NULL;
        char* rt_subscriptionDurationMultiplier = NULL;
        char* rt_timeStamp = NULL;
        if (result == APP_CONTROL_RESULT_SUCCEEDED) {
            rt = app_control_get_extra_data(reply, "_method", &rt_method);
            rt = app_control_get_extra_data(reply, "_result", &rt_result);
            /* Success */
            if (!strcmp("0", rt_result)) {
                rt = app_control_get_extra_data(reply, "_resultDescription", &rt_resultDescription);
                rt = app_control_get_extra_data(reply, "_transactionId", &rt_transactionId);
                rt = app_control_get_extra_data(reply, "_startNumber", &rt_startNumber);
                rt = app_control_get_extra_data(reply, "_endNumber", &rt_endNumber);
                rt = app_control_get_extra_data(reply, "_totalCount", &rt_totalCount);
                rt = app_control_get_extra_data(reply, "_itemTotalCount", &rt_itemTotalCount);
                int start = atoi(rt_startNumber);
                int end = atoi(rt_endNumber);
                char keyId[100] = {0,};
                for (; start <= end; start++) {
                    snprintf(key_id, sizeof(keyId), "%d%s", start, "_itemId");
                    rt = app_control_get_extra_data(reply, key_id, &rt_itemId);
                    snprintf(key_id, sizeof(keyId), "%d%s", start, "_itemGroupId);");
                    rt = app_control_get_extra_data(reply, key_id, &rt_itemGroupId);
                    snprintf(key_id, sizeof(keyId), "%d%s", start, "_itemName");
                    rt = app_control_get_extra_data(reply, keyId, &rt_itemName);
                    snprintf(key_id, sizeof(keyId), "%d%s", start, "_currencyUnit");
                    rt = app_control_get_extra_data(reply, keyId, &rt_currencyUnit);
                    snprintf(key_id, sizeof(keyId), "%d%s", start, "_unitPrecedes");
                    rt = app_control_get_extra_data(reply, keyId, &rt_unitPrecedes);
                    snprintf(key_id, sizeof(keyId), "%d%s", start, "_hasPenny");
                    rt = app_control_get_extra_data(reply, keyId, &rt_hasPenny);
                    snprintf(key_id, sizeof(keyId), "%d%s", start, "_itemPrice");
                    rt = app_control_get_extra_data(reply, keyId, &rt_itemPrice);
                    snprintf(key_id, sizeof(keyId), "%d%s", start, "_itemDownloadUrl");
                    rt = app_control_get_extra_data(reply, keyId, &rt_itemDownloadUrl);
                    snprintf(key_id, sizeof(keyId), "%d%s", start, "_itemImageUrl");
                    rt = app_control_get_extra_data(reply, keyId, &rt_itemImageUrl);
                    snprintf(key_id, sizeof(keyId), "%d%s", start, "_itemDescription");
                    rt = app_control_get_extra_data(reply, keyId, &rt_itemDescription);
                    snprintf(key_id, sizeof(keyId), "%d%s", start, "_reserved1");
                    rt = app_control_get_extra_data(reply, keyId, &rt_reserved1);
                    snprintf(key_id, sizeof(keyId), "%d%s", start, "_reserved2");
                    rt = app_control_get_extra_data(reply, keyId, &rt_reserved2);
                    snprintf(key_id, sizeof(keyId), "%d%s", start, "_paymentId");
                    rt = app_control_get_extra_data(reply, keyId, &rt_paymentId);
                    snprintf(key_id, sizeof(keyId), "%d%s", start, "_purchaseDate");
                    rt = app_control_get_extra_data(reply, keyId, &rt_purchaseDate);
                    snprintf(key_id, sizeof(keyId), "%d%s", start, "_itemTypeCd");
                    rt = app_control_get_extra_data(reply, keyId, &rt_itemTypeCd);
                    snprintf(key_id, sizeof(keyId), "%d%s", start, "_itemSubsBillDurationCd");
                    rt = app_control_get_extra_data(reply, keyId, &rt_itemSubsBillDurationCd);
                    snprintf(key_id, sizeof(keyId), "%d%s", start, "_subscriptionDurationMultiplier");
                    rt = app_control_get_extra_data(reply, keyId, &rt_subscriptionDurationMultiplier);
                    snprintf(key_id, sizeof(keyId), "%d%s", start, "_timeStamp");
                    rt = app_control_get_extra_data(reply, keyId, &rt_timeStamp);
  • GetCountryList operation

    This operation returns a list of countries available for testing in-application purchase.

  • Input data

    The following table show the key and value pairs required in the input extra data for the operation.

    Table: Input data for getting a list of countries

    Key Value Description
    _transactionId Transaction ID Transaction ID, such as 1 or 2.
    This information is mandatory.
    The ID is used to track a transaction between requests.
  • Example code for get country list

     app_control_h app_control;
     int rt = app_control_create(&app_control);
     if (rt == APP_CONTROL_ERROR_NONE) {
         app_control_set_app_id(app_control, " org.tizen.inapppurchase.iapservice");
         app_control_set_operation(app_control, "");
         app_control_add_extra_data(app_control, "_mode", "0");
         app_control_add_extra_data(app_control, "_transactionId", "123");
         rt = app_control_send_launch_request(app_control, get_country_list_cb, NULL);
     if (app_control != NULL)
  • Output Data

    The results of the operation are returned in the app control callback.

    The following table shows the output data for the operation.

    Table: Output data for getting a list of countries

    Key Value Description
    _method OnCountryListReceived Method to be called as a purchase request result.
    _result Result code Result codes are described at the end of this section.
    _resultDescription Result code/Function ID Result code/Function ID when _result value is not 0 (success). Result codes are described at the end of this section.
    _transactionId Transaction ID This is the same ID as the transaction ID that is used in the request.
    _startNumber Start number Index of the first item on the list.
    _endNumber End number Index of the last item on the list.
    _totalCount Total items count Total number of items based on the start number and end number.

    There is also a _totalCount number of countries in the output data. Each key consists of a PREFIX (list item index value) and a key (such as 1_countryName).

    Table: Country keys in the output data

    Key Value Description
    PREFIX_countryName Country name Name of a country.
    PREFIX_mcc MCC (mobile country code) MCC (mobile country code) as a string value.
  • Example code for retrieving a list of get country list

    get_country_list_cb(app_control_h request, app_control_h reply, app_control_result_e result, void *user_data)
        char* rt_method = NULL;
        char* rt_result = NULL;
        char* rt_resultDescription = NULL;
        char* rt_transactionId = NULL;
        char* rt_startNumber = NULL;
        char* rt_endNumber = NULL;
        char* rt_totalCount = NULL;
        char* rt_countryName = NULL;
        char* rt_mcc = NULL;
        if (result == APP_CONTROL_RESULT_SUCCEEDED) {
            rt = app_control_get_extra_data(reply, "_method", &rt_method);
            rt = app_control_get_extra_data(reply, "_result", &rt_result);
            /* Success */
            if (!strcmp("0", rt_result)) {
                rt = app_control_get_extra_data(reply, "_resultDescription", &rt_resultDescription);
                rt = app_control_get_extra_data(reply, "_transactionId", &rt_transactionId);
                rt = app_control_get_extra_data(reply, "_startNumber", &rt_startNumber);
                rt = app_control_get_extra_data(reply, "_endNumber", &rt_endNumber);
                rt = app_control_get_extra_data(reply, "_totalCount", &rt_totalCount);
                int start = atoi(rt_startNumber);
                int end = atoi(rt_endNumber);
                char keyId[100] = {0,};
                for (; start <= end; start++) {
                    snprintf(key_id, sizeof(keyId), "%d%s", start, "_countryName");
                    rt = app_control_get_extra_data(reply, key_id, &rt_countryName);
                    snprintf(key_id, sizeof(keyId), "%d%s", start, "_mcc");
                    rt = app_control_get_extra_data(reply, key_id, &rt_mcc);

  • Result code values

    The following table lists the possible values of the _result key for the org.tizen.inapppurchase.iapservice application ID.

    Table: Result code values

    Value String Representation Description
    0 Succeed The status code for success.
    200 NetworkError The status code for network errors.
    1000 ProcessError The status code for process errors.
    2001 NoApplicationStore The status code if application store not present for the country.
    9201 ItemGroupIdNotFound The status code if the item group ID is not found.
    9207 ItemIdNotFound The status code if the item ID is not found.
    9502 InvalidRequestParameter The status code if the wrong request parameter is passed.

3.3. IAP Client Control (Purchase of Item)

The IAP Client instance allows you to initialize a purchase of item and to complete the purchase.

  • Application ID

    This application control can be accessed using aliased application ID of org.tizen.inapppurchase.iapclient.

  • Operation ID

    This application supports the operation only.

  • Purchase operation

    This operation launches the purchase application and allows purchasing of In-App items. The input data passed in this operation are used to display a purchase form for particular item. The device user can choose between available payment methods, register his credit card, and confirm the purchase.

  • Input data

    The following table shows the key and value pairs required in the input extra data for the operation.

    Table: Input data for launching the purchase application

    Key Value Description
    _mode 0 or 1

    Mode type:

    • 0: Normal (commercial) mode

      This mode needs to be used in an application submitted to the Tizen Store.

    • 1: Developer mode

      This mode can be used for testing purposes while developing the application. Payment always succeeds.

    The default value is 0.

    This information is optional.

    _transactionId Transaction ID

    Transaction ID, such as 1 or 2.

    The ID is used to track a transaction between requests.

    This information is mandatory.

    _itemId Item ID

    Item ID, such as 000000003501.

    An item ID is associated with a specific item in Tizen Store Seller Office.

    You can retrieve a list of items available for purchase using the org.tizen.inapppurchase.iapservice application ID.

    This information is mandatory.

    _itemGroupId Group ID

    Group ID, such as 100000001455.

    A group ID is associated with a specific collection of items in Tizen Store Seller Office. You need to register your group ID in Tizen Store Seller Office first.

    This information is mandatory.

    _languageCd Language code

    Language code, such as eng or rus.

    The language code conforms to ISO 639-2, which uses 3-character codes.

    The language code is associated with the display language of the item details in Tizen Store Seller Office.

    This information is optional.

    _itemName is higher priority than _languageCd.
    _itemName Item name

    Item name, such as "Sword" or "칼".

    Specify your item name with this key, or leave the key empty to use the default name on the seller site's purchase page.

    This information is optional.



    Mobile country code (MCC)

    Mobile country code, such as 250.

    MMCs can only be used in developer mode. You can retrieve a list of available MCCs using the get country list operation.

    This information is optional.

    (18th Oct. by Tizen Store Dev. - deprecated parameter)



    Mobile network code (MNC)

    Mobile network code, such as 01.

    MNCs can only be used in developer mode.

    This information is optional.

    (18th Oct. by Tizen Store Dev. - deprecated parameter)

  • Example code for Purchase

    app_control_h app_control;
    int rt = app_control_create(&app_control);
    if (rt == APP_CONTROL_ERROR_NONE) {
        app_control_set_app_id(app_control, " org.tizen.inapppurchase.iapclient");
        app_control_set_operation(app_control, "");
        app_control_add_extra_data(app_control, "_mode", "0");
        app_control_add_extra_data(app_control, "_itemId", "000000000001");
        app_control_add_extra_data(app_control, "_itemGroupId", "100000000012");
        app_control_add_extra_data(app_control, "_languageCd", "ENG"); /* Optional */
        app_control_add_extra_data(app_control, "_itemName", "Item 1"); /* Optional */
        rt = app_control_send_launch_request(app_control, get_purchase_cb, NULL);
    if (app_control != NULL)
  • Output Data

    The results of the operation are returned in the app control callback.

    This data can be used to verify the payment with Tizen Store IAP Server.

    The following table shows the output data for the operation during process of purchase.

    Table: Output data for launching the purchase application

    Key Value Description
    _method OnPurchaseItemReceived Method to be called as a purchase request result.
    _result Result code Result codes are described at the end of this section.
    _resultDescription Result code/Function ID or HTML tags

    Display the _resultDescription value as a pop-up using Web-Control when you receive a _result value of 5600.

    Result codes are described at the end of this section.

    _itemId Item ID This is the same number as an item ID that is used in the request.
    _itemGroupId Item group ID ID of a collection of items. The collection is linked to your application in Tizen Store Seller Office.
    _itemName Item name Name provided during item registration in Tizen Store Seller Office.
    _ticketPurchaseId Purchased ticket ID This ID can be used to verify the purchase with Tizen Store IAP Server.
    _currencyUnit Currency unit Device user's currency unit, such as $, Won, or Pound.
    _unitPrecedes 0 or 1

    Currency unit position:

    • 0: Tail (2.99 TL)
    • 1: Front ($ 2.99)
    _hasPenny 0 or 1

    Information whether the currency unit has penny representation:

    • 0: No
    • 1: Yes
    _itemPrice Item price Price of the item in the local currency.
    _itemDownloadUrl Item download URL URL provided during item registration in Tizen Store Seller Office.
    _itemImageUrl Item image URL URL provided during item registration in Tizen Store Seller Office.
    _itemDescription Item description A description provided during item registration.
    _reserved1 Reserved field 1 Reserved field 1
    _reserved2 Reserved field 2 Reserved field 2
    _paymentId Payment ID Payment ID
    _ticketVerifyUrl Server URL

    Server URL, such as

    This URL can be used in combination with other parameters to verify the purchase with Tizen Store IAP Server.

    _ticketPurchaseId Purchased ticket ID This ID can be used to verify the purchase with Tizen Store IAP Server.
    _ticketParam1 Ticket parameter 1 This parameter is used with the server URL.
    _ticketParam2 Ticket parameter 2 This parameter is used with the server URL.
    _ticketParam3 Ticket parameter 3 This parameter is used with the server URL.
    _ticketParam4 Ticket parameter 4 This parameter is used with the server URL.
    _ticketParam5 Ticket parameter 5 This parameter is used with the server URL.
    _purchaseDate Date of purchase Date of purchase
    _timeStamp Time stamp

    Based on GMT +0, server time.


  • Example code for Purchase result

    get_purchase_cb(app_control_h request, app_control_h reply, app_control_result_e result, void *user_data)
        char* rt_method = NULL;
        char* rt_result = NULL;
        char* rt_resultDescription = NULL;
        char* rt_transactionId = NULL;
        char* rt_itemId = NULL;
        char* rt_itemGroupId = NULL;
        char* rt_itemName = NULL;
        char* rt_currencyUnit = NULL;
        char* rt_unitPrecedes = NULL;
        char* rt_hasPenny = NULL;
        char* rt_itemPrice = NULL;
        char* rt_itemDownloadUrl = NULL;
        char* rt_itemImageUrl = NULL;
        char* rt_itemDescription = NULL;
        char* rt_reserved1 = NULL;
        char* rt_reserved2 = NULL;
        char* rt_paymentId = NULL;
        char* rt_ticketVerifyUrl = NULL;
        char* rt_ticketPurchaseId = NULL;
        char* rt_ticketParam1 = NULL;
        char* rt_ticketParam2 = NULL;
        char* rt_ticketParam3 = NULL;
        char* rt_ticketParam4 = NULL;
        char* rt_ticketParam5 = NULL;
        char* rt_purchaseDate = NULL;
        char* rt_itemTypeCd = NULL;
        char* rt_itemSubsBillDurationCd = NULL;
        char* rt_subscriptionDurationMultiplier = NULL;
        char* rt_timeStamp = NULL;
        if (result == APP_CONTROL_RESULT_SUCCEEDED) {
            rt = app_control_get_extra_data(reply, "_method", &rt_method);
            rt = app_control_get_extra_data(reply, "_result", &rt_result);
            /* Success */
            if (!strcmp("0", rt_result)) {
                rt = app_control_get_extra_data(reply, "_resultDescription", &rt_resultDescription);
                rt = app_control_get_extra_data(reply, "_transactionId", &rt_transactionId);
                rt = app_control_get_extra_data(reply, "_itemId", &rt_itemId);
                rt = app_control_get_extra_data(reply, "_itemGroupId", &rt_itemGroupId);
                rt = app_control_get_extra_data(reply, "_itemName", &rt_itemName);
                rt = app_control_get_extra_data(reply, "_currencyUnit", &rt_currencyUnit);
                rt = app_control_get_extra_data(reply, "_unitPrecedes", &rt_unitPrecedes);
                rt = app_control_get_extra_data(reply, "_itemPrice", &rt_itemPrice);
                rt = app_control_get_extra_data(reply, "_itemDownloadUrl", &rt_itemDownloadUrl);
                rt = app_control_get_extra_data(reply, "_itemImageUrl", &rt_itemImageUrl);
                rt = app_control_get_extra_data(reply, "_itemDescription", &rt_itemDescription);
                rt = app_control_get_extra_data(reply, "_reserved1", &amp;rt_reserved1);
                rt = app_control_get_extra_data(reply, "_reserved2", &rt_reserved2);
                rt = app_control_get_extra_data(reply, "_paymentId", &rt_paymentId);
                rt = app_control_get_extra_data(reply, "_ticketVerifyUrl", &rt_ticketVerifyUrl);
                rt = app_control_get_extra_data(reply, "_ticketPurchaseId", &rt_ticketPurchaseId);
                rt = app_control_get_extra_data(reply, "_ticketParam1", &rt_ticketParam1);
                rt = app_control_get_extra_data(reply, "_ticketParam2", &rt_ticketParam2);
                rt = app_control_get_extra_data(reply, "_ticketParam3", &rt_ticketParam3);
                rt = app_control_get_extra_data(reply, "_ticketParam4", &rt_ticketParam4);
                rt = app_control_get_extra_data(reply, "_ticketParam5", &rt_ticketParam5);
                rt = app_control_get_extra_data(reply, "_purchaseDate", &rt_purchaseDate);
                rt = app_control_get_extra_data(reply, "_itemTypeCd", &rt_itemTypeCd);
                rt = app_control_get_extra_data(reply, "_itemSubsBillDurationCd", &rt_itemSubsBillDurationCd);
                rt = app_control_get_extra_data(reply, "_subscriptionDurationMultiplier", &rt_subscriptionDurationMultiplier);
                rt = app_control_get_extra_data(reply, "_timeStamp", &rt_timeStamp);

  • Result code values

    The following table lists the possible values of the _result key for the org.tizen.inapppurchase.iapclient application ID.

    Table: Result code values

    Value String Representation Description
    0 Succeed The status code for success.
    100 Cancel The status code if the user cancels.
    200 NetworkError The status code for network errors.
    1000 ProcessError The status code for process errors.
    5600 PGError The status code for the payment gateway error. Display the pop-up by using web-control.
    9201 ItemGroupIdNotFound The status code if the item group ID is not found.
    9207 ItemIdNotFound The status code if the item ID is not found.
    9502 InvalidRequestParameter The status code if the request parameter is invalid.
    9291 RepurchaseError The status code for the repurchase error. This error occurs only on consumable items.
    9292 Update is progressing The status code if the application is updating.
    9293 Account validation is not Completed The status code if the Samsung account validation is not completed.

4. Verifying with Tizen Store IAP Server

After the purchase operation,, you can use the values in the output data to verify a purchase on the Tizen Store IAP Server in a simple process. You can send a query to the output data’s _ticketVerifyUrl address. The query can be made with a combination of the output data’s _ticketPurchaseId, _ticketParam1, _ticketParam2, ticketParam3, _ticketParam4, and _ticketParam5 parameters.

The following example shows the syntax. In the above syntax, (_parameterName) indicates the value of the parameter.


The following code shows an example request:

If a request is processed successfully, the JSON response is received as shown. The status value of true means a verifying the purchase is successful and false when it has failed.

If your application uses a server-client model, the following server-to-server purchase verification is recommended.

The JSON example of successful result:

    "purchaseDate":"2013-11-15 10:31:23",
    "paymentMethod":"Tizen RBS Russia CreditCard",

The following code shows a JSON example of a failed result:



1. Sample Native Application

The sample native application allows a user to show a list of items for purchase, purchase an item, show purchased items, and make a purchase.

In developer mode, the top of the screen, it is possible to scroll up and down direction.

Download the sample native application.

2. Sample Web Application

The sample Web application allows a user to show a list of items for purchase, purchase an item, show purchased items, and make a purchase.

Download the sample Web application.